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Videos - Adult Faith Formation

Christian Spirituality

In this short video Deacon Greg Ollick discuss your spiritual health. He looks at both your Spiritual Vital Signs and the Pillars of Christian Spirituality. As bonus is gives you a tool that you can use to rate your own spirituality.

Intro To Catholic Apologetics 1of 3

In this three-part series on Catholic Apologetics, Deacon Greg Ollick borrows from a lecture by Catholic apologetist Peter Kreeft. Deacon Greg teaches how to understand and defend your faith. But, more importantly, you will learn how to better explain the beauty and truth of the Catholic Church and how to help keep your children Catholic. When Christ asked the 12, "Do you also want to leave me?" it was Simon Peter who answered him, “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life."  (Parts 2 and 3 will be post soon.)

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Greg Graduation Speech 

In his commencement speech at Saint Joseph's College, Deacon Greg explains the critical importance of seeking one's vocation and God's calling in a world that tends to lead young people in another direction.

Sacrifice - The Heart of the Eucharist

If someone asked you to explain just what the Mass is, how would you explain it to them? Join Deacon Greg as he explains that sacrifice is the heart of the Eucharist. 

The Jewish Roots of the Mass

Deacon Greg draws comparisons of the Passover Meal and Jewish worship to the Mass. This video was modeled after a presentation by Dr Brant Pitre of Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans.

Comparative Religions

Deacon Greg Ollick takes you on a journey of the world religions including Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity. During this session, Deacon Greg explains their origins and contrasts their similarities and differences to Christianity!

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